Although we haven’t felt confident in what our purpose in being here is, we have recently been reminded that sometimes God puts us in situations to be observers of the great things He is doing. Last month we shared a bit about our friend Victor and we continue to stand in awe of this one life, changed.
Victor became blind about four years ago after his diabetes got out of control. He was living with his mother until she passed away this past year. Unfortunately, his mother was an alcoholic and when drunk, she abused Victor. In addition to being blind and only weighing 90 pounds, he also had a serious infection in his legs which prevented him from walking very well. The first doctor who examined him did not think he would live very much longer.
Today, he is receiving medications, eating properly, getting treatment for his leg infections and has had successful surgeries on BOTH his eyes!!! He has also gained 30 pounds!

We became acquainted with this man when he was blind and could not see us (or anything else) and now he sees us and waves to us from across the street! This one simple gesture catches me completely off guard every time.
Victor has been very eager to return to work and recently began making jewelry once again.

It has been a priviledge to watch this happen right before our eyes. The miracle of sight restored and the additional miracle of people who were willing to take the risk of asking Victor what he needed, and then choosing to walk beside him. Not just being available for a quick-fix, but choosing to live in community with him. To me this has been a beautiful picture of Christ’s example to us, of giving us the Holy Spirit to walk with us every single day.
If you are interested in contributing to Victor’s ongoing medications or treatments, you can give here and put his name in the paypal comments or on the memo line of your check.